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- File: users.txt
- Updated: May 4, 1994
- The following ARRL HQ staffers, Officers, Directors and Vice
- Directors can be contacted directly via the Internet at the
- addresses shown. A brief description of the specific duties of the
- individual is included so you know who to contact.
- People not listed do not have public email addresses and cannot
- respond by electronic mail. Other questions and messages to other
- specific HQ staff, Officers, Directors and Vice Directors should
- continue to be addressed to hq@arrl.org. Messages so addressed
- will be received in the "front office" here at ARRL HQ. They will
- be printed and distributed to the appropriate people by inter-
- office or postal mail.
- You should include your postal address (the slow kind) with all
- correspondence to ARRL in case we need to send you non-electronic
- material in answer to your request.
- Staff member, call, title address
- ------------------------------------------- ---------------
- Al Brogdon, K3KMO, QST Managing Editor abrogdon@arrl.org
- Brian Battles, WS1O, Features Editor bbattles@arrl.org
- (Strays, New Products, Feature articles)
- Jeff Bauer, WA1MBK, W1AW Chief Operator jbauer@arrl.org
- Jon Bloom, KE3Z, Senior Engineer (arrl.org jbloom@arrl.org
- postmaster, QEX editor)
- Bob Boucher, Purchasing Manager rboucher@arrl.org
- Pete Budnik, KB1HY, Educational Assistant pbudnik@arrl.org
- James Cain, K1TN, QST Senior Editor jcain@arrl.org
- Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, Outgoing QSL Bureau jcarcia@arrl.org
- Mary Carcia, N7IAL, Administrative mcarcia@arrl.org
- Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
- (ARRL Foundation; scholarships;
- endowments, bequests and donations)
- Lisa Delude, Administrative Assistant to ldelude@arrl.org
- the Executive Vice President
- Bridget DiCosimo, Technical Department bdicosim@arrl.org
- Secretary (article reprints; orbit
- calendars; PCB templates etc.)
- Kathy Fay, Deputy Circulation Manager kfay@arrl.org
- (Book orders, membership)
- Steve Ford, WB8IMY, Assistant Technical sford@arrl.org
- Editor (Operating Manual; packet and
- satellite books; QST satellite and "Lab
- Notes" columns)
- Mike Gruber, WA1SVF, Laboratory Engineer mgruber@arrl.org
- (Product Reveiw testing)
- Ed Hare, KA1CV, Laboratory Supervisor (RFI) ehare@arrl.org
- John Hennessee, KJ4KB, Regulatory jhenness@arrl.org
- Information Specialist (Regulatory
- questions, "Washington Mailbox" column,
- FCC Rule Book)
- Tom Hogerty, KC1J, Special Projects Manager thogerty@arrl.org
- Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH, Membership chutch@arrl.org
- Services Manager (Contests; awards;
- DXCC etc.)
- Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, Assistant to the rinderbi@arrl.org
- Manager, Educational Activities
- Bart Jahnke, KB9NM, Volunteer Examiner bjahnke@arrl.org
- Department Manager (Exams, VE
- coordination, etc.)
- Debra Jahnke, Circulation Manager djahnke@arrl.org
- (Book orders, membership)
- Jim Kearman, KR1S, QST Assistant Technical jkearman@arrl.org
- Editor
- Bill Kennamer, K5FUV, DXCC Manager bkennamer@arrl.org
- Joel Kleinman, N1BKE, Associate Technical jkleinma@arrl.org
- Editor (in charge of editing technical
- books)
- Kirk Kleinschmidt, NT0Z, QST Assistant kkleinsc@arrl.org
- Managing Editor
- Lisa Kustosik, Administrative Assistant, lkustosi@arrl.org
- Regulatory Information Branch,
- Reciprocal operating information
- Greg Kwasowski, Building Manager gkwasows@arrl.org
- Zack Lau, KH6CP, Laboratory Engineer zlau@arrl.org
- (RF/microwave circuit design, QRP)
- Billy Lunt, KR1R, Contest Manager blunt@arrl.org
- Steve Mansfield, N1MZA, Washington Area smansfie@arrl.org
- Coordinator (National Legislation and
- Regulatory Affairs), Public Relations
- Manager (news stories, etc.)
- Tony Mascaro, Comptroller amascaro@arrl.org
- Jay Mabey, NU0X, Repeater Directory Editor jmabey@arrl.org
- John Nelson, W1GNC, Planning and Financial jnelson@arrl.org
- Analysis Manager
- Dave Newkirk, WJ1Z, QST Senior Assistant dnewkirk@arrl.org
- Technical Editor (Hints & Kinks)
- Paul Pagel, N1FB, QST Associate Technical ppagel@arrl.org
- Editor (in charge of QST technical
- editing, Technical Correspondence)
- Rick Palm, K1CE, Field Services Manager rpalm@arrl.org
- (Field Organization matters)
- Deane Potter, Information Services Manager dpotter@arrl.org
- (ARRL Data Processing Department)
- Bob Schetgen, KU7G, Assistant Technical rschetge@arrl.org
- Editor (ARRL Handbook)
- Kevin Sheheen, Information Services ksheheen@arrl.org
- (ARRL Data Processing Department)
- Barry Shelley, Chief Financial Officer bshelley@arrl.org
- Dean Straw, N6BV, Senior Assistant rdstraw@arrl.org
- Technical Editor
- Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, Executive Vice President dsumner@arrl.org
- (policy matters, HQ administration)
- Glenn Swanson, KB1GW, Assistant to the gswanson@arrl.org
- Manager, ARRL VEC
- Brad Thomas, KC1EX, Advertising Manager bthomas@arrl.org
- Michael Tracy, KC1SX, Technical Information mtracy@arrl.org
- Services Coordinator (Technical
- questions)
- Lori (Maty) Weinberg, Assistant to the lweinber@arrl.org
- Publications Manager (QEX editorial
- assistant)
- Rosalie White, WA1STO, Educational rwhite@arrl.org
- Activities Department Manager (info on
- becoming a ham/training/SAREX)
- Mark Wilson, AA2Z, QST Editor mwilson@arrl.org
- Larry Wolfgang, WR1B, Senior Assistant lwolfgan@arrl.org
- Technical Editor (Beginner's books,
- license manuals)
- Tammy-Beth Zimmerman, KA1WWP, Membership tzimmer@arrl.org
- Services Administrative Assistant (DXCC,
- awards, QSL buro)
- ------------------------------------------- ---------------
- In addition to these specific people, we've also set up the
- following accounts:
- ARRL Automated Electronic Mail Server info@arrl.org
- (Information files on Amateur Radio)
- Awards (WAS, etc.) awards@arrl.org
- Contests contests@arrl.org
- Contest Advisory Committee cac@arrl.org
- DXCC Desk dxcc@arrl.org
- Education Activities Department ead@arrl.org
- Outgoing QSL Bureau buro@arrl.org
- QEX Magazine qex@arrl.org
- QST-Technical qst@arrl.org
- Radio Frequency Interference rfi@arrl.org
- Technical Information Service (Technical tis@arrl.org
- questions)
- Volunteer Examiner Coordinator vec@arrl.org
- W1AW 76067.3724@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------------------- ---------------
- For any Officers, Directors or Vice Directors not listed, you can
- send email to hq@arrl.org or 2155052@mcimail.com, with a request
- that it be printed and mailed to the specific person.
- Dennis Bodson, W4PWF, Roanoke Division 5749920@mcimail.com
- Vice Director dbodson@arrl.org
- Hans Brakob, K0HB, Dakota Division Vice 6364621@mcimail.com
- Director
- Bill Burden, WB1BRE, New England Divison 4728744@mcimail.com
- Director
- Frank Butler, W4RH, Southeastern Division 3113659@mcimail.com
- Director
- Tom Frenaye, K1KI, Vice President 2349723@mcimail.com
- Evelyn Gauzens, W4WYR, Southeastern 3652196@mcimail.com
- Division Vice Director
- Art Goddard, W6XD, Southwestern Division 5700404@mcimail.com
- Vice Director
- Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, Southwestern Division 2542030@mcimail.com
- Director
- Joel Harrison, WB5IGF, Delta Division 3119747@mcimail.com
- Director
- Mary Lewis, W7QGP, Northwestern Division 3222036@mcimail.com
- Director
- Jim Maxwell, W6CF, Pacific Division Vice jmaxwell@arrl.org
- Director
- Larry Price, W4RA, International Affairs lprice@arrl.org
- Vice President
- Marshall Quiat, AG0X, Rocky Mountain 2417097@mcimail.com
- Division Director
- Warren Rothberg, WB1HBB, New England wrothberg@arrl.org
- Division Vice Director
- Hugh Turnbull, W3ABC, Atlantic Division 2993599@mcimail.com
- Director
- Brad Wyatt, K6WR, Pacific Division bwyatt@arrl.org
- Director
- ------------------------------------------- ---------------
- Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, QST (Packet horzepa@evax.gdc.com
- Perspective) columnist